Thursday, October 9, 2008

I just needed a quickie before the snow comes

Well before I head off to Phoenix tomorrow and come back to snow on the ground this weekend I decided I better go out for a quick ride on some sweet single track that I was told about yesterday. I actually knew of its existence but did not know exactly where to connect to it. The trail was in pretty good condition considering that it is mostly a motorcycle trail and some sections have just been torn up by those things. Mainly it is irresponsible riders that have no concept of preservation and preventing the eroding of our multi-use trails. Motorcycles are just capable of so much more damage that hiking shoes and mountain bike tires. It is amazing how awesome the trails are when people have to rely on their own power to propel themselves along. Anyway, I took a couple photos of the trail and the fall colors at the base of the San Francisco Peaks with Snow Bowl nestled in at the SW corner of the Peaks.


Unknown said...

What trail is that?

Cyclebound said...

The trail is the single track called the peaks loop on the Coconino Trail Riders website. I hopped on it by Viet Springs on Snow Bowl Rd. and heads toward Hart Prairie Rd. where it crosses just before the private property and continues for what seems like forever with many bail out points.