I have been trying to ride a bunch this week and have even rolled out of here on the skinny tires once or twice. Today I just had to get out early and check a ride off the list of must dos. I really had no idea whether there was still a tower at the Red Hill Lookout or if it was just a high point with a good view but I had to check it out. I rode a bit of pavement to connect with the Forest Service road route that I had planned to get to my destination with a estimated distance of 70 miles round trip. It was a beautiful ride through the Kendrick Peak area to Pumpkin Center and then out to and up Red Hill. The views were amazing and the recent lightning activity was readily apparent by the 2 fires that were visible from the lookout. I noticed some damage from some atv traffic going around the locked gate and a message written on the gate itself by some sort of English scholar but the point was made I guess. I arrived home with 67 miles under my belt for the day which was close to my original estimate which was good. Good mainly because it ensured that I had enough food and water to get me through.