Monday, March 29, 2010

Start of the growing season

This year I decided to try a couple of container growing experiments. I found these cool self watering containers that will allow for a bit of veggie gardening that is mobile. I planted already and since the containers have wheels on them I just wheel them into the garage at night and back out to get some sun during the day. I actually only have one so far but it has some arugala, romaine, chives, cilantro and some chard seeds planted in it. A tomato planter of the same variety is one the way with a smaller planter for some misc. things and perhaps some edible flowers. I will periodically update the condition of these plantings until I am eating the deliciousness or it is a total disaster.

1 comment:

denise garro said...

where did you get your containers? that little guy sure is cute....eldon trails and az trail to fisher point is great. I had only about 10minutes of hiking in the snow in skunk canyon..otherwise very little mud...hi to Anne....D