I woke up this morning and looked out the front door and what did I see? You guessed it....RAIN! I can't believe how much rain we are getting with this new storm that is hitting this weekend and the one that hit last weekend. It just refuses to snow but at least it is snowing at Snowbowl (I hope). I saw on the news that an oil tanker in Korea is spewing its 3 million gallons of oil into the ocean right now due to some poor boatmanship. The good news just keeps pouring in. On a lighter note I saw an interesting graphic on the bottom of a six pack of Alaskan Winter Ale that shows the state of Alaska places over the lower 48 and just how huge Alaska is. It is quite different from the maps we are used to seeing where Alaska and Hawaii share the same page and both put together look smaller than Rhode Island. I threw in another picture from the backcountry below Truchas Peaks taken in November at about 12000 feet as friend Robert and I ushered in winter. It was between 7 and 8 PM and the sun had been down for about 3 hours and you can see how comfortable it is as I'm wearing my down jacket and I'm nestled into my down sleeping bag. Who says winter camping is no fun? I am noticing right now that the news is of course talking about the same thing over and over and that is the Omaha mall shooting which is to be expected since the press hangs onto stories like this until they can't hang on any longer. No wonder that the bastards that commit these atrosities know their actions will make them famous. Lastly a note on gun control (I'll share some of my personal views of course). I don't think that total gun control is the answer and although the "right to bear arms" is one of our rights living in this country (although our country was slightly different when our forefathers came up with these rights) I do have one thing to say. Assault rifles are designed for one purpose; TO KILL PEOPLE! Way to go NRA glad that you fight so hard to make it perfectly legal to have assault rifles in everyone's closets. That's it I'm off the soapbox.
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