Monday, April 21, 2008

Getting ready for the Whiskey

I have been attempting to get some good riding in despite being in the windiest place on earth. On a whim last week I decided to give the singlespeed racing scene a try so I register for the novice class at the Prescott Punisher. 16.5 miles and some fun when it was over. It was a tough course for ss bikes and the advanced class boys were soooo fast that it is still amazing to me. I ended up in second place in the novice class and received a sweet medal and a 25 dollar credit towards the registration fee for the Flagstaff race in May. I rode up to Snowbowl on the road today and plan for a longer road ride tomorrow. Starting on Wednesday I will dial it back a bit and recover before the Whiskey 50 Proof on Saturday in Prescott. All of my riding now is still in preparation for the Cream Puff in June. I am not reallly concerned about where I finish this weekend, I am more concerned with how I feel and what my time is. Anne has started turning the pedals a bit in preparation for our trip to the White Rim Trail in a few weeks. I have included some photos of the medal and a bottle cap that I picked up off the ground.

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