Saturday, June 7, 2008

This post ain't got no pictures

I know what you're thinking. What good is a blog with no pictures? I'm with ya. I usually don't like anything without pictures (mostly cause I don't read so good). I just figured I would jot down a bit about the riding that I have done the past couple of days. Yesterday I went for a 55 mile mountain bike ride. I hooked up to Ft. Valley and rode to the Snowbowl Road and then up to Freidlein Prairie Road which I took until I could descend the Weatherford Trail to Schultz Pass. At this point I was feelng pretty good so I decided to go up the Waterline Road to the Inner Basin. When I arrived in the Inner Basin I was so excited to see that the spring water spigot had been turned on so I took a bit of a break and filled all of my water containers up. From there I headed down into Lockett Meadow which has phenomenal views of the Peaks and continued around until I hooked up with the Deer Hill trail. The Deer Hill Trail lead me to the Horse Camp (my second option for water) and then to the Little Elden Trail which I ascended until the Little Bear Trail which I had to climb also. I had recently heard that Little Bear was completely clear of downfall which it was and it was in incredible shape. The top of Little Bear put me at the top of Onion which put me on the road home. This morning I waited until about the last minute to decide I was going on the group road ride and frantically got all of my things together. My body did not fell altogether that great so when I got good and dropped on the steps I decided that a 48 mile ride instead of a 65 mile ride was going to be good for today and I turned around with a group of 5. The wind was pretty hourendous out and back so it was a little tougher that usual but still fairly enjoyable. Just about a mile from town I had a bit of bad luck with a bunch of glass in the road and slit my rear tire pretty good (thanks a lot asshole bottle thrower). Nothing like having to replace a $65 tire with only a couple hundred miles on it. Oh well I am over it. Maybe riding my bicycle today will keep my health care costs down in the future and that $65 dollars will be recouped. Enjoy your weekend everybody.

1 comment:

HinkleFamily4 said...

I read your blog all the time, for the pictures...don't ever do that again...hahahaha...HUGS!