Saturday, March 22, 2008

Whoa that's brisk...

Lately I've been trying to get in some good bicycle rides and I've been feeling better and better everyday since about Thursday. I rode out FS 303 from the Cedar Mesa trail area to the I-40 Cosnino Road exit in some pretty gnarly wind on Thursday and my piece of trash that I grabbed was a Miller Lite can. Yesterday I went for a road ride and decided on the Sunset Crater, Wupatki, 89A loop which is 50 miles and has 3200 feet of climbing on it. It was pretty good but I have to say that riding on 89A is not my favorite thing in the world. I didn't grab any trash yesterday so I grabbed two today on the Forces of Nature trail and some other trail on the southeast side of Elden which are in pretty sweet shape right now and super dry. I had to wonder who in the hell drinks Steel Reserve but I did chuckle thinking back to those Brisk iced tea commercials with the claymation Sly Stallone. We realized that Yampa is not supposed to be running with Anne until she gets a bit older so we took her out for a bit of hiking. I took today off of riding and will hopefully be able to get in a big week coming up this week. We ran some errands and purchased some rain barrels that will harvest water for our garden and plantings in the front yard that will be going in this spring. We will be getting gutters on our house that will feed the barrels and keep the water from falling right next to the house where it can seep in under the slab. It is getting to be pretty nice during the afternoons here thus making for good riding to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now that you have your rain barrels - check out for downspout filters and downspout diverters....